Thursday, April 12, 2012

I miss my sister ...

I miss my sister.  I keep seeing and experiencing things that break my heart over and over again wishing I could drop by and see her and give her a hug.  My sister, Kristy, lives in Colorado and I live in Nevada.  It is a twelve hour drive between us.  I know that really isn’t that much, but it feels like it might as well be 12 days away.  Flying may cut the travel time down, but it isn’t ideal because of the cost.  So, we don’t get to just stop by, or meet up for coffee.  We are very limited in our time together.  Whenever we are near each other we have other family members that want to see us too.  So, we don’t get to have it be just the two of us very often.

I did not fully appreciate having a sister when I was younger.  We are nine years apart in age.  She was someone I took care of, not someone that I could rely on.  However, over the years, I have watched her grow up, and I have had to adjust to the role we have in each other’s lives.  She is now someone that I can not only rely on, but I need her.  I have to admit, sometimes when my sister-in-law Megan talks about her adventures with her sister Rebekah, I feel cheated that I didn’t get to have that kind of relationship with Kristy.  If we had been closer in age we’d have all kinds of adventurous tales.  But on the flip side, we would’ve killed each other. :)  

Now when I think about my sister, I see a gorgeous woman, who is an amazing fiancée (wife) and mother.  I wish I could be more like her in many ways.  She is courageous, and kind, and she speaks her mind.  She is charismatic, super funny and witty.  And man oh man, can she cook!  She is über organized, and she is probably one of the most creative people I know.  She is far from perfect (which she might argue with), but she makes up for it by being nothing but herself.  

I am regularly surprised by how much pride and love I feel for her when I think of her.  Even as I type this I find myself struggling not to cry.  She will probably never understand just how far I would go to help her, and protect her.  When she hurts, I hurt.  When she is happy, my heart sings with joy.  And nothing pleases me more than seeing her with her son, Ace.  She is doing such a good job making sure that he is contented, confident and uniquely Ace.  

Not a day goes by that I don’t think of her, and pray for her and her sweet little family.  At least once a week I wish I could stop by her house just to hug her.   She can always comfort me, make me laugh, and there are never any pretensions.  She is my Krispie, my sissy.  And no matter what, even if we are fighting, there is never an offense great enough to come between us.  We just yell it out and are done with it.   

I only have two wishes for our relationship; one is that we could live nearer to each other.  The other wish is that she would quit worrying about making me worry.  I want to help carry her burden.  I want her to be sure that I would drop everything in a heartbeat to be there for her. Because that’s what sisters do.     

No matter what happens in our lives, what mistakes we each make, we will have each other’s backs.  She is one of the most amazing people I have ever met.  And I have been blessed not only to have her in my life, but to have the privilege to call her sister. 

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